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荔园学者Colloquium第八十五期:Global existence and compactness for axisymmetric Ericksen-Leslie system in dimension three

时间:2024-06-11 16:28

主讲人 王长友 讲座时间 2024.06.13 16:30-17:30pm
讲座地点 bwin必赢唯一官方网站粤海校区汇星楼一号教室 实际会议时间日 13
实际会议时间年月 2024.6




讲座题目: Global existence and compactness for axisymmetric Ericksen-Leslie system in dimension three

主讲人:王长友 教授(美国普渡大学)


讲座地点: bwin必赢唯一官方网站粤海校区汇星楼一号教室

内容摘要:In this talk, I will discuss the Ericksen-Leslie system, which is the governing equation for the hydrodynamics of nematic liquid crystals, in dimension three.

Mathematically, this is a dissipative system strongly coupling between the Navier-Stokes equation for the underlying fluid velocity field and the transported harmonic flow into the unit sphere for the macroscopic orientation field of liquid crystal molecules. Because of the super-critical nonlinearities induced by Ericksen stress tensors, it has been an outstanding open question to establish Leray-Hopf type global solutions for any initial data with finite energy.

I will describe a recent work, joint with Joshua Kortum, that proves the existence of such a global solution in the axisymmetric setting.

主讲人简介: 王长友,美国Purdue University(普渡大学)数学系终身教授,偏微分方程领域的知名专家,于1996年在Rice大学获得博士学位。研究兴趣包括PDE,几何分析等,主持多项美国自然科学基金,获得荣誉包括:Sloan奖、美国数学会Centennial Fellowship、IMA New Directions奖、Simons Fellowship等。已在CPAM, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., Comm. Math. Phys., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 等国际高水平期刊发表论文100余篇。



